Latest News

The 5-12 Playscape Is Coming!
Hooray! We have reached our fundraising target and the equipment for the 5-12 year-old play structure has been ordered! Site prep should start soon, and if we are very lucky, the weather will be good enough to get the new equipment installed in late October or early November! If not, look for the new playscape…
Gala at the Gateway Sees Great Success!
Thanks to everyone who came out to support the LOL Community Playground at our first-ever Gala at the Gateway! The sold-out event featured good food, amazing entertainment, and incredible success with our silent auction. The event raised more than $20,000 for the playground! It was so successful, in fact, that we are only a few…
The Musical Playground Is Almost Here!
If you were out and about today, you probably noticed Rob, Bob, and Anthony Spiotto and Matt Outman hard at work installing the concrete pad for the Musical Playground portion of the new playground! Rob and the crew donated their time to do this for us, so please be sure to give them a shout…
Connections between Play and Mental Health
Mental health continues to be a concern for people of all ages. Research has demonstrated clear connections between play and various dimensions of mental health. When we think about play, we most often focus upon its benefits for children, but adults also can gain valuable benefits from regular play. By making our playground a welcome…
May Update
Spring came a little later this year, but there is still plenty to get excited about. The new community playground finally has a designated site! We have been waiting for the Town to formalize its recommendation about placement, and they did so earlier this month. The playground will be located in the northwest corner of…
February Update
The Community Playground project is really starting to pick up steam. We’ve heard from so many wonderful neighbors who are supportive of the project, and we appreciate the kind words, the encouragement, and the willingness to dive in to help the children of Land O’ Lakes! We were very excited to see that our neighbors…
December / January Update (a little late!)
December was a busy month for the Playground project! *Community outreach: We met with various community groups and distributed over 100 surveys to community members. After reviewing the results, there were a few common themes: safety in terms of fencing; shaded areas for adults to sit, areas with bench seating, and accessible playground equipment. Their…
November Update
We’ve been doing so much over the past couple of months! Here are some of the highlights: Most importantly, we are finally an official 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization! We received our letter from the IRS in early November. Now we are just waiting for our WI tax exemptions and to be recognized as an official…
October 4 Update
Our plans for the new playground are slowly taking shape. Members of the playground subcommittee have been hard at work meeting with business owners, educators, and area residents to get advice about the playground. We would like to collect information from a lot more people. Please take a few minutes to answer the very brief…
September 16 Update
Whew! It’s been a busy couple of weeks for LOLCP, Inc! We have been meeting with some wonderful folks from the community to determine the scope of the playground project. We met with Carie Brock and Rachel Strong, from Lakeland Pines elementary School and SOAR Middle School, to discuss how the playground might benefit their…
Excitement is Building for Summer 2023!
We're back and getting so excited about what's coming for the Community Playground this Summer! The sun is shining, the swings are back up, and the playground is ready for your children and grandchildren to use!
This month, we will begin installing the structure especially for 2-5 year-olds, as well as a 4-seat merry-go-round with easy access for everyone.
On June 21, the musical playground will be featured during LOLA's Make Music Day. Come out and join the fun!
In July, we will host a Murder Mystery Dinner fundraiser at Ely Church. We hope you will can attend and help us solve the murder in the Desperately Dangerous Housewives of Land O' Lakes! The event is SOLD OUT!
As always, thank you to everyone for your continued support of the playground.